Pastoral Portuguesa
I am for all the good things, against all the bad ones.
- Saul Bellow
terça-feira, maio 01, 2007
How to Hate the Working Classes
Dressed like that you're gonna get roughed up
You're like a benefit scrounger in a fun pub
I'll meet you on the corner of Amherst Road
Let's start a party of our own
The stupid years we spent together
We had pet names for each other
Since we stopped talking years and years ago
Let's start a party of our own
I'm on a mission for the masses
How to hate the working classes
And everybody that we ever knew
Let's start a party, just we two
The bloody rain, the bloody dogs,
This bloody town's gone to the dogs
And everybody's gay, the straight boys know
Let's start a party of our own
Where everyone we've ever loved
And everyone we've ever fucked
Will collect their interest in eternity
Not deposit, no return; invest in me
I need a holiday in heaven
The working classes and how to hate them
Everybody that we've ever known
Let's start a party of our own
Let's start a party of our own
I need a holiday in heaven
I need a holiday.
(Luke Haines, «How to Hate the Working Classes». O triplo álbum
Luke Haines is Dead
é uma recolha de
, sessões de rádio e raridades. Está disponível na
, pelo mesmo preço de um pacote de cacau Praline. Luke Haines, felizmente, não está morto.)
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