quinta-feira, março 12, 2009

«... An overstrained enthusiasm produces a capriciousness in taste, as well as too much indifference. A person who sets no bounds to his admiration takes a surfeit of his favourites. He over-does the thing. He gets sick of his own everlasting praises, and affected raptures. His preferences are a great deal too violent to last. He wears out an author in a week, that might last him a year, or his life, by the eagerness with which he devours him. Every such favourite is in his turn the greatest writer in the world.»

(William Hazlitt)

3 comentários:

eduardo b. disse...

É? Nunca me tinha apercebido.

Lourenço Cordeiro disse...

Pois olha que a minha admiration tem muitos bounds, pelo que isto tem durado mais do que uma week, está longe de estar over-done, e essa merda das overlasting praises parece-me um convite à caralhada, é isso? Estamos cá para tudo, just say the word.

Lourenço Bray disse...

Isto explica a relacao dos benfiquistas com o plantel em cada pre-epoca. Por mim o campeonato acabava à 2 ou 3 jornada.